
Auditing Issues in 2021
11 May 2021
Webinar: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM BST
Webinar presented 11 May 2021
This webinar will focus on the challenges auditors face in the current audit season, including the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic on entities and consequently audits.
Key Topics
The detailed content will be finalised just prior to the presentation of the webinar but is likely to include:
- Thinking differently in your audit planning approach, including risk assessment and gathering sufficient and appropriate audit evidence
- An overview of the requirements in the revised ISA 540 for accounting estimates
- The practical considerations and challenges in auditing going concern and the requirements of the revised ISA 570, including cash flows, additional risks and disclosing material uncertainties
- The potential challenges with group audits
- Auditing revenue efficiently
- Ensuring the adequacy of disclosures made by management in the financial statements and the strategic report
- Overview of any recent FRC guidance
Who Should Attend
This webinar is aimed at all levels of staff involved in auditing financial statements.
For more information visit the members only intranet here.