
12 Jan 2018 - 11 Dec 2018
The Russell Bedford series of international webinars is designed to keep members up to date on international tax, accounting and practice management issues.
The programme covers a wide range of subjects including strategy, IFRS, tax, law, technology, marketing and ethical standards.
It consists of the following 25 webinars:
- 12 Jan 18 - Setting your strategy in a changing world (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 18 Jan 18 - IFRS Overview (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 25 Jan 18 - Transfer Pricing (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 6 Feb 18 - Ethical standards update: NOCLAR and new ethical guide (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 16 Feb 18 - IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 21 Mar 18 - IFRIC Interpretations (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 21 Mar 18 - IFRS 16 Leases (2pm to 3pm GMT)
- 11 April 18 - IFRS for SMEs (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 18 April 18 - Audit update including review engagements (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 10 May 18 - Producing group accounts under FRS 3, 10 & 12 (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 14 May 18 - International tax update (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 5 June 18 - International Trading Laws - An Introduction (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 13 June 18 - Permanent Establishments (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 17 July 18 - IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 17 July 18 - IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers (2pm to 3pm GMT)
- 1 August 18 - How to market accountancy services (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 8 August 18 - ESMA Enforcement Priorities (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 12 September 18 - Technology Update (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 12 September 18 - Using Technology to drive efficiencies (2pm to 3pm GMT)
- 9 October 18 - Tax and international trade (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 30 October 18 - IFRS Update (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 14 November 18 - IAS 40 Investment Property (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 27 November 18 - Audit and ethical standards update (12pm to 1pm GMT)
- 7 December 18 - Key predictions for 2019 (2pm to 3pm GMT)
- 11 December 18 - International tax update (12pm to 1pm GMT)