
Managers & Young Partners Meeting 2021

23-24 November 2021


The Russell Bedford International Managers & Young Partners Meeting 2021 will be held at the Holiday Inn Lisbon-Continental, Lisbon, Portugal ​​from 23 - 24 ​November ​​2021. ​

The ​meeting ​is ​directed ​at ​managers, ​senior ​managers, ​associates ​and ​junior ​partners.​ ​The ​aim ​is ​to ​help ​delegates ​develop ​their ​leadership, ​networking ​and ​relationship ​building ​skills, ​and ​gain ​insights ​into ​business ​characteristics ​and ​cultures ​in ​different ​parts ​of ​the ​world, ​while ​familiarising ​themselves ​with ​the ​purpose ​and ​strategy ​of ​their ​international ​network.
The ​​event ​​will ​​comprise ​​of ​​one ​​and ​​a ​​half ​​days ​​of ​​training, ​​consisting ​​of ​​a ​​mixture ​​of ​​formal ​​presentations ​​and ​​group ​​work ​​sessions, ​​along ​​with ​​social ​​/ ​​networking ​​activities.

Delegates will arrive on Monday evening for an informal networking dinner, have ​​​a ​​full ​​day ​​of ​​training ​​on ​​Tuesday and ​​​another ​​informal ​​networking ​​event/dinner ​​on ​​Tuesday ​​evening. The meeting will conclude with a half ​​a ​​day ​​of ​​training ​​on ​​Wednesday ​​morning ​​with ​​departures ​​after ​​a ​​buffet ​​lunch. ​

We look forward to welcoming you in Lisbon!

For more information visit the members only intranet here.

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