
Technology Update
01 August 2019
12pm to 1pm GMT – Kevin Salter
Technology moves on and we see firms changing their model to a monthly subscription basis as opposed to annual billing. Competition is fierce. Cloud accounting software will dominate our industry. These factors point to a disruptive few years ahead. Now is the time to reflect on what’s happening, set a strategy to embrace these changes and reorganise our technology for success.
Course Programme
- Technology overview including the changes ahead
- Examples of firms who are embracing change and how they make it happen
- The latest Apps and products to input client data and export it efficiently as possible
- Software and the cloud review
- Practical advice on the latest tech available to firms.
Who Should Attend
All fee earners wanting to understand the latest developments in tech and where the industry is heading.
To register for this webinar, please sign in to the events section of the Russell Bedford Intranet here and select the relevant webinar.