
All blended into one...
July 2022
I was delighted to have featured in a couple of recent articles AND a podcast on some very important topics.
Russell Bedford partnered with the International Accounting Bulletin for their "Future of Work" supplement.
In this publication, we contributed two separate articles:
(i) "Employee engagement and wellbeing – looking after our greatest asset", where i was pleased to produce a Thought Leadership piece on such an essential issue;
This can be read HERE
(ii) "Russell Bedford’s Young Leaders’ event", where we outlined a case study of this event, most recently having taken place in Lisbon, Portugal in November 2021.
This can be read HERE
Both of these pieces promoted the importance our network places on people development; something that is very close to our hearts and embedded in the culture of Russell Bedford.
We then attended the International Accounting Forum 2022 where I was interviewed by Rob Brown, as part of his Accounting Influencers' podcast, along with our dear friend, Michael Quigley of Kataholos. We discussed several current themes; one being our initiatives around people development and the emphasis placed on health and wellbeing.
A recording of this interview can be heard by clicking on the below:
I was particularly pleased to be introduced by Rob as "The legend that is...", with absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever (!)
Later that very day, almost as pleasing as being referred to as a "Legend", we were mightily proud to be presented with the "Wellbeing Initiative of the Year" award, which very much ties in nicely with all of the above!
More about that was featured in my previous blog and can also be read HERE.
And so... People development has always been a priority for Russell Bedford, not least than in the past two years when members found they needed even more support in this area, during the pandemic. Our greatest asset will always be our people.
The image captured to accompany this blog was taken at our Asia Pacific meeting earlier this month, in Singapore. It truly does highlight the relationships built in a network with like-minded individuals sharing common values.
Opportunities are created with people you trust and it's so great to be back to physical events, where we can continue to build and enhance that trust amongst our people from all over the world. And... it's a lot of fun!
So; look after your people.
It has indeed been very rewarding to watch this area of the network expand and our offering flourish, as we've seen so many of our people reap such positive and long-lasting benefits.