
Appreciate where you are!
February 2019
I often wake up and immediately realise I’m not in my own bed...
That’s because I travel a lot! (Before your mind goes elsewhere ;-) And very often (for the first 5 seconds or so) I’m not sure where I am. What country am I in? How far am I from home? Why am I here?
I remember reading Paulo Coelho when I was younger and in particular the messages from his infamous novel “The Alchemist”. Sometimes what you are looking for is closer to home than you think; which extends to - “you don’t need to travel far to see beauty”.
I’m very fortunate to travel all over the world and see amazing places. But we shouldn’t take for granted what we have every day, at home, in our own country. Appreciate where you are!
So... why am I saying this? Today I wake up (again) not in my own bed! But this time I’m in my own country. I’m actually very close to my office in a London hotel for our global board meeting.
How many people walk blindly into their office everyday and never stop to look around? Wherever you work, there will be something to appreciate, something special, something with character. I’m lucky to work in the fabulous area of Russell Bedford HQ and see what beauty lies across the way (but to be honest, I don’t often stop to look up and appreciate it...)