
As young as you feel...
December 2017
Just returned from Budapest following Russell Bedford’s Managers & Young Professionals’ meeting: a packed day & a half of soft skills training, brainstorming, team work, presenting & (the ever important) #networking!
The energy & freshness in the room on both days (especially considering the preceding late nights of bonding & relationship building!) was tremendous. Throughout my career with international groups, I can honestly say I have never witnessed such a gathering of young, immensely enthusiastic, forward-thinking & talented individuals. We had every region of our network represented; with delegates from Europe, Middle East, Africa, North America, Latin America & Asia Pacific #CulturalDiversity - a fantastic turnout for a meeting being held in Central Eastern Europe & hence several hours flight for delegates from Argentina, Hong Kong & Canada (to name just 3). This highlighted the importance our member firms place on the development of their young people and the retention of great talent.
Upon being caught in the hotel lobby on my way back to the airport for “a quick selfie with the CEO”, I realised that although I may be a little older than the average age at the meeting, this seemed a total irrelevance!