
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
April 2021
This time last year, I had not expected to be participating at our first regional meeting of 2021 from my home in Surrey, England. I imagined I would be in a luxury hotel close to some tropical surroundings; perhaps near a beautiful sandy beach, looking forward to the evening’s celebration of Latin culture, music, dance, food and (un poquito de) drink!
I have fond memories of my times with our Latin American group; hard-working, dedicated, full of talent and passion.
This year we added Spain and Portugal to create an Ibero-America meeting; promoting the joint activities and initiatives that bring them together.
Unfortunately, we are still travel restricted and hence there’s no exotic feel to my image; just me in the middle of a digital background, speaking my best Spanish to 700 fabulous people from our Russell Bedford International family.
It was my pleasure to have so much positive news to report in my global update; including 21% growth in Latin America, being the 2nd highest increase of all accounting networks for this region.
I look forward to those sunny days at next year’s conference as we very much hope to learn, share and celebrate in person; soaking up that Latino culture and spirit. (And I’m not just talking about rum or tequila!)