
Don't compare... just be the best you can!
July 2018
Do you ever question your significance compared to others? Do we spend too much time comparing worth and value?
Think of underpaid nurses and what a fabulous job they do... and even when I think of the highly paid consultants I ask myself how can you put a price on the ability to save lives?!
I’m very passionate about my work; I enjoy meeting people, making a difference, and giving my energy to all. I try to be sincere and will spend time to understand why others act the way they do. My determination makes me constantly look to improve. But... how can I compare my role to those who work directly to save lives?!
My operation was not life-threatening, but necessary with no room for error. I was looked after extremely well and with such personal care. I am very grateful.
Conclusion is - many things are incomparable. So just continue doing what you enjoy, the best you can, and every day you can help others; sometimes without even realising you are making a difference to someone else’s life.
I’m very much on the road to recovery and back to developing this fantastic international network for which I am so fortunate to have responsibility.
Thanks for all the best wishes. They took me further! And now, as I regain my energy, I’ll be back to Russell Bedford... taking YOU further!