
If I ever lose my faith in you...
October 2017
People tell me they are loving my "motivational speeches" (although I may have missed the edge of sarcasm...) Anyway, I shall continue since my travels &experiences have been inspiring in a most eventful year.
Despite the ‘rise of the intelligent robots’, undoubtedly playing a huge role in the future of our profession, networks depend on people and trust. People always tell me that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and a better person. I have always looked for the best in everyone, but sometimes you can be blinded by their true colours and made to question humanity. You may experience the reality of 'knowing who your friends are’ and of being let down by those you trusted and believed in the most; yet my faith in people is never lost. The greatest support often comes from those you would least expect. Seek out the good people and fill your lives with them.
I again return from another Russell Bedford visit; this time Berlin, where I met with the senior partner and colleagues of our biggest member in Germany at one of their 19 offices. Believe in people... I continue to be meeting some really great ones! (plus...they are also very good at tax, accounting &business consultancy!) #people #trust #talent