
Let it shine!
November 2023
And so, our highlights video of Russell Bedford International’s 40th year anniversary conference in Montreal is now out… we’re finalising recruitment of several new firms… we celebrated ‘taking you further’ day last Friday… and we held our final in-person meeting of 2023 - for our Young Professionals in Larnaca, Cyprus.
Last trip of the year. Busy few weeks!
But it’s always a pleasure seeing the younger generations, potential ‘future leaders’, come together; displaying such energy for what they do. You’d never know our profession had a resource issue and a problem with attracting people, when you hear how excited they are about their roles and the passion for what they do to help businesses around the world.
The comments on the feedback survey, as to the ‘Best thing about the conference’, refer to “networking”, “meeting new people”, “being together”, “expanding contacts”, “connecting with others from around the world”, “sharing ideas” and “learning in a really fun way”.
And to the question, ‘What could be better?’: “All was fantastic!”, “Everything was great!”
The positivity and gratitude… Don’t we just love young people?!
It’s a fabulous way to approach the end of a year of several physical events, with one that reminds us that, despite the ongoing uncertainty in various parts of the world, the future can be bright and we have generations of individuals who truly want to shine.