
Picture this!
January 2023
When everyone writes so many great things about our latest conference, what can you say to make a difference?
You can say this…
A conference of people meeting together, particularly when so recently coming from being physically apart, is not about content, not about environment, not about food, drink or entertainment… it’s about feeling.
I returned from the Dominican Republic with a sense of elation, mixed with an undertone of melancholy. Why? Because I didn’t want it to end, I didn’t want to wait several months until we meet again, and because I knew we must continue to replicate such vibes, positivity and togetherness at every single future meeting Russell Bedford International holds. I’m a perfectionist and I’m competitive and I strive to be better and better each and every day, and so this is now my challenge. OUR challenge.
When you reach such highs, such positive emotions, it challenges you since you ask yourself - is it sustainable? Can we keep going at this rate?
Success breeds more success. It creates confidence, belief and even greater determination.
I can strongly attest that our group has shown incredible success in the past few years compared to most. I am proud of that. I am grateful for the support I have received, surrounded by great people.
And yet, we might not be the biggest network in the world, and we never will be; but I believe we are one of the best.
In terms of connectivity, collaboration, positive impact and excellence, we must be second to none. This is our mission as we go further together to a better future.
Our Americas meeting in Punta Cana was special in so many ways; and I may often stand at the front, but it’s the people around me who make it so.
This was the first of 2023. And it was fabulous. Now to what’s next… onwards and upwards!