
To travel & meet people will always be pivotal to success
September 2023
As I write this, my previous LinkedIn post has 97 likes. Is it perfectionism, compulsion or obsession that makes us think “if only 3 more people liked it, it would have reached 100”. But we don’t post for ‘likes’, right?!
We post to get our message across to as many people as we can, to spread the word, to promote something we have to say.
So… what have I to say here?
I’ll say this: I visited Poland for the first time last week. With Polish ancestry, I’m a little ashamed it took me so long, and indeed 67 countries came before it. But Warsaw did not disappoint. My colleague Kathryn and I had a valuable time, greeted with such hospitality by Dr. Andrzej Dmowski and his colleagues, we engaged in challenging and highly productive discussion. Russell Bedford Poland is one of our most successful firms, heavily promoting our brand throughout the country, across multiple service lines including accounting, audit, advisory, tax, corporate finance and legal.
The firm is a credit to our network and has great and continuous ambition, to be respected and admired; reflected by the people of Warsaw, a city heavily destroyed by war but with a positivity and vibrancy that was particularly witnessed late into the night through positive gatherings of all ages celebrating life with live music and dance.
I’ve spoken a lot amongst my peers about travel and whether we could (and should) do less of it. Poland reminded me, and reinforced upon me, my belief that we will never stop getting out there and meeting with our people. Technology cannot replace that; the importance of physical interaction, at a person’s homeland, to experience, embrace and absorb their culture and to learn about their past, their current activities and their future objectives.
Next month we celebrate Russell Bedford International’s 40th year anniversary at our global conference in Montreal, where we shall gather from all around the world, enhance our relationships and solidify the trust upon which this network continues to build.
So that’s what I wanted to say. Making the effort to travel and meet people will always be pivotal to success. (Maybe 100 might like to agree…)