
We’re all ‘virtually’ fine…
June 2021
You may now have mastered, and even perfected, the multitasking skill of participating in an online event whilst simultaneously dealing with a number of (allegedly) more important issues. Such issues which previously would have been adequately handled following the event, had that event demanded you be physically somewhere specific to such occasion.
How times have changed…
Now these issues are perceived to be in need of being immediately addressed, and invariably will be, at the expense of not giving that online event your full undivided attention. Just because you can! And maybe this relates to, what has become, one of those trendy new phrases in our vocabulary: “Zoom fatigue”.
My recent disappointment at having to cancel the physical aspect of our annual global meeting for the second year running led to me questioning the stamina of not only our members to sit through another few hours of online sessions, but my own strength in hosting, facilitating, energising… and throwing in the odd quip (as I like to do) for yet another virtual event.
In all fairness, I enjoy it; and we have had several very successful online meetings. But you appreciate what you really had once it’s taken away. And unfortunately most of us DO know what we’re missing: that face-to-face interaction, those one-on-one conversations during the coffee breaks, fabulous live ‘in-person’ engagement, unique cultural experiences and really getting to know each other over a cocktail… or two!
I personally miss that feeling of, having dressed up smart, walking powerfully into a room full of friends and colleagues, as well as those with whom we will talk for the very first time - “strangers”; or, as we prefer to call them, “friends and colleagues we have yet to meet”.
So… we are ‘virtually’ fine; but we cannot wait to get “back out there”, where the magic unfolds and where the relationships are truly built and cemented.
Later in July, the UK is looking to open up; and we wish the rest of the world is soon able to follow suit.
And yet, during this lengthy period of restrictions, our network has continued to make considerable advancement and has attracted several fabulous new quality firms; who are eager to meet with us all, as we are with them.
Until then… we remain positive, our firms continue doing their fantastic work for clients around the world, we connect via the various means of technology; and we stay ‘virtually’ happy!