
Words without thoughts never to heaven go
October 2020
“Words without thoughts never to heaven go” (William Shakespeare: Hamlet)
I’ve always enjoyed writing. Poetry... song lyrics... and most recently, social media content.
The online aspect arose a few years ago, (like Phoenix from the flames!) when looking to re-establish myself by building, one could say, the personal brand I had thus far concealed.
I was honoured when this culminated in my “Personality of the Year” award; whilst simultaneously leading Russell Bedford International to the prestigious accolade of “Network of the Year” (... providing useful reference material for plenty of future writings!!)
I’ve now reached my 1000th Tweet on Twitter and I’m approaching 200 posts on LinkedIn.
Humanity remains a focus; important to our profession and surely to everyone, particularly right now. People can surprise you with their compassion; yet others can disappoint with their insincerity.
Either way; experiences of greatness, weakness or indifference make for interesting reading and are all part of life’s journey. With wings clipped, my inspiration from cultural encounters has been lacking; but this difficult period has made us all think about who we are, what we do and the people around us.
Share more, surround yourself with loyal people, communicate widely and "Express Yourself"! (Madonna 😉)