
Just Released: Business World September 2020
August 2020
Russell Bedford International has released the September edition of its biannual magazine, BUSINESS WORLD.
Business World delivers the latest views and analysis written by specialists from within the Russell Bedford network, together with guest authors from various other organisations from around the world.
Articles in the latest edition include:
Leadership in challenging times
The coronavirus pandemic has changed everything with businesses and individuals having to steer themselves through the unknown. Whether your business is in a region that has flattened the curve or one where coronavirus is accelerating, this is far from over; coronavirus is here for the long term. Because this is new, none of us can predict what’s going to happen, how long it’s going to last, or what the real long term impact will be. So, what can leaders do to successfully lead through these uncertain times? Eric Swenson, leadership and workforce strategist at RSJ Swenson, shares his insights.
Uruguay – gateway for the software industry
Uruguay, a small country with a population of only 3.5 million people, is better known for its coast, its wines and its football than it is for its economic and business success. Until recently, Uruguay’s economy was built on agriculture and livestock; and although these areas remain relevant, lately a shift has happened as Uruguay seeks to develop its service economy with a strong focus on the IT industry. Federico Moares, a founding partner at Russell Bedford Uruguay, tells us about the expanding software industry in Uruguay.
Marketing in a Covid-19 setting
The Covid-19 pandemic has become one of the greatest ever challenges to businesses around the globe. To navigate a way through this crisis, businesses need to be bold and show creativity. Maria Gurrea Galve, deputy director at legal services firm Navarro Llima Abogados, a member of Russell Bedford International, shares her thoughts on why adversity presents opportunity for businesses. Here she offers some ideas on how to steer your business through this crisis and come out the other side in even better shape than before.
Going Global: taking your business further
Globalisation is not a new phenomenon but a continuation of developments that started in the nineteenth century. Globalisation is also not restricted to large multinational businesses; many small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), enabled by modern IT and communications, now look to expand overseas. Erica Xiong, tax director at Russell Bedford Hong Kong, discusses some of the areas to consider before you consider going global.
Covid-19: catalyst for change
Before Covid-19 changed the world, some businesses considered social impact and sustainability nothing more than a nice-to-have programme. In other words, social impact programmes were not strategic to their business. The pandemic, and corporate responses to it, have highlighted what is important in guiding a business’s choices during a crisis. Here, Pamela Cone, founder and CEO of Amity Advisory, shares her expertise in developing social responsibility and sustainability programmes to achieve holistic, compelling and profitable social impact.
The future for Latin America
Covid-19, by its pandemic nature, is having a major impact on economies around the world. However, as some parts of the world experience a fall in infections, confirmed cases in Latin America are rising sharply. Daniel Ryba, a partner in Russell Bedford Argentina, and a member of the board of Russell Bedford International, talks to the partners of Russell Bedford members in the region on the impact the pandemic is having on businesses, and their outlook for the future.
Managing cash flow for success
There are several reasons why a business might fail but one of the most common is poor cash flow. However, with close monitoring and early intervention, it is possible to stay in control of your cash flow. In this article, Tony Carey, managing partner and founder of Cooney Carey, Russell Bedford’s member firm in Dublin, discusses how you can focus on managing your cash flow using better financial control and financial reporting. He also shares his ten reasons for preparing financial projections.
To read the latest edition of Business World in full, visit the Business World page of the Russell Bedford website HERE. Business World is also available from member firms of the global accounting network.