Russell Bedford hosts final web conference of the year: 2020 Marketing Meeting
December 2020
Marketing professionals from around the globe met for the final web conference of Russell Bedford’s conference season on Monday, 30 November 2020.
As the pandemic forced businesses into adapting how they work practically overnight, marketing departments had to step up with confidence and speed. No time for long, slow ruminating in comfortable meeting rooms; 2020 was the year for short, snappy Zoom meetings, quick thinking and creative problem solving.
Marketing professionals have been particularly well placed within organisations to support communication, both internal and external, and to ensure that the most important messaging is distributed coherently and, most importantly, in a timely fashion. It has meant that they have needed to take a lead role in businesses around the world - often becoming the glue that keeps departments together and focused on the larger business objectives.
Attracting almost 100 delegates, the meeting was opened by Russell Bedford’s CEO, Stephen Hamlet, who welcomed participants and commended marketing professionals throughout the network for their invaluable contribution to their firms in 2020. Paying particular attention to the area of communication, he praised their persistence and tenacity in keeping teams and clients feeling supported and well-informed throughout the pandemic.
Russell Bedford’s central office team led the first session with an update on ‘Effective use of Russell Bedford branding and Marketing Centre of Excellence.’ Discussing branding, Russell Bedford’s Marketing and Communication Manager, Susan Barron, reminded delegates of the central tenets of the brand and how “it is the total sum of relationships, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, actions and perceptions, related to our network, our firms and our services”. Also discussed was the concept of bringing the brand to life, through uniform brand adoption and upholding Russell Bedford’s brand values within all member firms; which were celebrated at Russell Bedford’s annual taking you further day on Friday, 4 December 2020.
Following a year that turned almost everything on its head, we heard from marketing professionals who were forced to abandon their 2020 marketing plans, starting from scratch part way into the year. Despite the huge trials caused by the pandemic, marketing professionals have had a distinct advantage in that their skillset is ideally suited for handling the challenges that businesses have faced, being nimble and agile when tackling problems.
During the meeting we heard updates from various regions including, Alfonso Milla, marketing representative for Russell Bedford Mexico, and Bruno Celidonio, Russell Bedford Brasil.
Later; the group heard an update from Alison Simons and Elianna Makiej from the marketing team of our latest recruit LGA in Boston, USA and from Heather Kunz of long-standing member WBL, Atlanta, on their marketing priorities. We also heard from Mahmoud Saghir, of Bureau Saghir & Associates, Beirut, about marketing in the Middle East; and from Anabel Salinas (GNL, Barcelona) as to the marketing efforts of Russell Bedford Spain, and from Claire Williams of Lubbock Fine in London, UK.
The final part of the meeting allowed for a general discussion in the session ‘Question Time’, offering the group an opportunity to share insights into how marketing has evolved in 2020 and their thoughts on future strategies.
Speaking about the event, CEO Stephen Hamlet said: “It’s been so interesting to hear about the marketing strategies of our firms around the globe. Priorities will vary from firm to firm, but the commonalities are in line with Russell Bedford’s larger strategy, with a strong appetite for growth amongst the marketing teams around the world. We heard a lot about how teams had to quickly adapt to changing priorities over the course of the year and lean on their communication skills to keep teams and clients well informed. They’ve done an incredible job formulating robust communication strategies, practically overnight.”
He added: “For what has been a difficult year, it was encouraging to hear that marketing teams throughout the network have had some surprising successes in 2020 and are eagerly anticipating 2021, with hopes of taking their firms even further in the New Year.”