
Russell Bedford partners with IAB in 'Future of Work' supplement
July 2022
Russell Bedford International has proudly partnered with the International Accounting Bulletin in its 'Future of Work' supplement. The publication, which was released in June 2022, featured two pieces from Russell Bedford including 'Employee engagement and wellbeing – looking after our greatest asset' and a case study on Russell Bedford’s Young Leaders’ event, most recently having taken place in Lisbon, Portugal in November 2021.
Speaking about the importance of putting the spotlight on key issues related to the future of work, Zoya Malik, Editor-in-Chief, said: "Prioritising employee experience is key to attracting and retaining productive colleagues. Employee engagement, well-being, training and retention have been top-of-mind for all participants in IAB’s Future of Work supplement."
She added: "Several aspects of enhancing employee experience rest in creating a positive framework for daily working culture, growth and development. Leaders and employers have felt all too well the dearth of talent across all sectors, with the current climate of the ‘candidate’ being the driver of conversations around hybrid and remote working and salary setting. Incentives and retention exercises need to pay attention to these issues and ensure that employee well-being policies are fair, inclusive and flexible."
Stephen Hamlet, Russell Bedford's CEO, said: "It's been a pleasure to work with Zoya and the team at the IAB on this project. People development has always been a priority for Russell Bedford, not least than in the past two years when members found they needed even more support in this area, during the pandemic. Our greatest asset will always be our people. When the pandemic hit, the first question we asked ourselves was, how do we keep the show on the road?"
He added: "It has been very rewarding to watch this area of the network expand and our offering flourish, as we've seen so many of our people reap such positive and long-lasting benefits."
Read the IAB 'Future of Work' supplement here: