
Russell Bedford’s Romania member supports ACCA / CECCAR event
July 2019
3B Expert Audit, Russell Bedford’s member firm in Romania, was the main supporter of an ACCA-CECCAR Event in Bucharest, Romania which took place on Thursday, 11 July 2019. Managing partner of 3B Expert Audit, Adriana Badiu, was the main speaker at the event which was held in the offices of CECCAR in Bucharest and was attended by financial, accounting and auditing professionals from the region.
The event sessions included:
• The main tax issues resulting from fiscal controls, from criminal files;
• Formalization of services conducted by the providers, received and accepted by the beneficiary;
• Tax issues determined by the accounting regulations regarding the option of valuing buildings at cost or revalued value;
• Non-deductible expenses related to non-taxable income;
• Fiscal treatment of expenses by classifying them as non-deductible or in kind.
Speaking about the event, Adriana Badiu, said: “As a member of an international network - Russell Bedford International - I understand the importance of coming together with other professionals to share experiences and accounting issues. It was a pleasure to have been invited as a speaker at this event. The value of these types of events is immeasurable. You never know who you are going to meet, or what new piece information you will learn. But I always walk away having learned something new – that’s priceless.”