Business World

Business World: Issue no.10 - March 2015
March 2015
Business World delivers views, analysis and guidance written by specialists from within the Russell Bedford network, together with guest authors from other organisations.
Business World is available to read in PDF format or as a digital magazine via CALAMEO.
Articles in the March 2015 edition are:
- Belgium – heart of Europe. Setting up a business in Belgium is quick and easy, with good legal protection.
- FATCA – impact on businesses and individuals. If you think you may be subject to FATCA requirements you should seek professional advice to ensure you comply and avoid expensive fines.
- Mauritius – a stepping stone to sub-Saharan Africa. The Mauritian government has shown ambition and innovation in creating a financial gateway into Africa.
- Enterprise resource planning – avoiding the pitfalls. ERP can revitalise your business and position it to cope with modern business challenges.
- Say Hello to the Elephants – Quadrant Three: Implementation. You can eat the elephant one bite at a time.
- Doing Business 2015: going beyond efficiency. This World Bank report looks at regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it around the world.
- Getting yourself known. If you are a newly-launched small or medium-sized business, you may need to look at investing time in low-cost, or even free marketing activity.