Business World

Business World: Issue no.13 - September 2016
September 2016
The Russell Bedford accounting network has published the September 2016 edition of its twice-yearly Business World magazine, a publication aimed primarily at owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Business World is available to read in PDF format or as a digital magazine via CALAMEO.
Business World delivers views, analysis and guidance written by specialists from within the Russell Bedford network, together with guest authors from other organisations.
Articles in the September 2016 edition are:
Doing business in Mexico - a destination for growth.
Its economic and political stability, low inflation and strong economy make Mexico one of the world's most competitive countries for inward investment.
Real leaders create future leaders.
What are you doing to create leaders in the people who report to you? Have you been filling your ranks with strong staff who grow other staff?
ISO 9001 - would your business benefit?
If you want your business to stand out by focusing on quality then ISO 9001 certification is well worth considering.
Price discrimination and the psychology behind it.
If you combine price discrimination and context successfully you can improve dramatically both your average price and the quantity you sell.
VAT fraud - protecting your business.
When deducting input VAT be vigilant. EU law states clearly that a business that knows, or should know, a VAT transaction is fraudulent, is deemed a participant in the fraud.
BEPS and IP regimes - a new era in intellectual property.
Measures to enhance investment in R&D include favourable tax treatment of licence income. But do patent box regimes run contrary to EU rules designed to prevent state subsidies?
UK EU referendum: doing business in a post-Brexit world.
Britain's vote to leave the EU has left politicians and markets reeling. But those businesses most likely to weather the storm will be those with the flexibility to adapt to it.
Business World is available from member firms of the global accounting network or through the publications section of the Russell Bedford International website.