Business World

Business World: Issue no.15 - September 2017
September 2017
Russell Bedford International, the global accounting and audit network, has released the September 2017 edition of its biannual BUSINESS WORLD MAGAZINE. Business World delivers views and analysis written by specialists from within the Russell Bedford network, together with guest authors from various other organisations from around the world.
Business World delivers views and analysis written by specialists from within the Russell Bedford network, together with guest authors from other organisations.
Business World is available to read in PDF format or as a digital magazine via CALAMEO.
Articles in the September 2017 edition are:
What is the future of globalisation?
A recent European Commission report has highlighted the growing resistance to globalisation. But is this mitigated by other trends that might be working for SMEs?
The ten golden rules of real estate investment in Spain
Data around mortgage approvals suggests that there is a resurgence in the Spanish property market - leading to some optimism for the future of the Spanish economy. This article covers some of the areas to consider before investing.
Data analytics - rising up the corporate agenda
The amount of data that organisations generate every day has surged in recent times. Data comes in many shapes and forms - from financial and operational data to emails and tweets - and is a major asset to organisations. But it is often difficult to exploit data to gain insights that will help achieve growth and identify underlying risks.
Cross-border brands, transfer pricing and the impact of BEPS
As a result of the OECD's BEPS project, Germany will soon restrict the tax deductibility of royalty payments that do not follow the modified nexus approach. For multinational groups, this will impact both German inbound and outbound usage of trademark and branding rights.
Five Eyes on the Fence: Intellectual Capital
The second in a series of articles debunking the myth that the health of a business can be judged by its bottom line alone. What you know - your intellectual capital - is the bedrock of your product or service. It is why you make money.
What is IFRS 16 and what does it mean for your business?
IFRS 16 promises major changes in the balance-sheet treatment of leases. Specialist software - such as Blimp360 - offers a solution, however, and is helping companies make the transition.
VAT in the Gulf - What you need to know
A Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) agreement has confirmed the introduction of VAT in 2018 in all GCC Member States - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman. What does this mean for businesses in the region?