Business World

Business World: Issue no.16 - March 2018
April 2018
Russell Bedford International, the global accounting and audit network, has released the March 2018 edition of its biannual BUSINESS WORLD MAGAZINE. Created in Russell Bedford's new and improved branding, the March edition of Business World provides readers with a preview of Russell Bedford's new look which is about to be unveiled imminently. Business World delivers views and analysis written by specialists from within the Russell Bedford network, together with guest authors from various other organisations around the world.
Business World delivers views and analysis written by specialists from within the Russell Bedford network, together with guest authors from other organisations.
Business World is available to read in PDF format or as a digital magazine via CALAMEO.
Articles in the March 2018 edition are:
Bavaria for business
Managing partner of Russell Bedford’s Munich firm, Wolfgang Hedel, discusses the reasons why many global enterprises choose Bavaria as a strategic European location for doing business.
Brand, purpose, culture: the triple challenge for business
Tracy Lloyd, a founding partner at Emotive Brand, a San Francisco Bay Area brand strategy and design firm, discusses the components that will help you to outperform the competition and position your business to thrive.
Customer referrals - how to get more of them?
Referrals are generally recommendations from satisfied customers, where one person tells someone else about your product or service.Here Bruce Saward, managing partner of Russell Bedford’s Melbourne firm, Saward Dawson, discusses how you can get more of them.
GDPR - what businesses need to know
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is approaching rapidly. Here Giorgio Corno and Simona Giraffa of Studio Corno Avvocati, the need for data protection and what your business needs to do to remain compliant.
Five eyes on the fence: social capital
Who do you know? Here Tony A. Rose, Certified Public Accountant and founding partner of Rose, Snyder & Jacobs, the Los Angeles member firm of Russell Bedford, discusses the importance of your connections and why surprisingly, the people who you know the least can be the most important in helping you or your company grow.
Doing business - reforming to create jobs
Doing Business measures the effectiveness and quality of regulations in 11 areas of key relevance during the lifecycle of a business and covers 190 economies. Yasmin Zand, co-author of the World Bank Group’s annual Doing Business report takes us through the results of the 2018 report.
The importance of succession planning
Bill Rucci, founder and managing partner of the business advisory and accounting firm RBF and chairman of Russell Bedford, tackles the difficult subject of succession planning and offers some useful tips on how to prepare your business for when you are no longer there to run it.