Benefits of membership

Membership of Russell Bedford International grants you immediate access to global resources and a top quality brand of trusted accountancy and business advisory firms in key locations around the world.  Download our BENEFITS BROCHURE.



Ability to service existing clients as they look to expand internationally; giving you confidence that you will retain those clients if/when they expand and look to cross borders                               

  Access to first-hand knowledge of local regulations, cultures and customs; reducing the risk of entering new markets and cross-border uncertainties as your clients look to expand beyond home territories                                              
  Enabling your practice to be attractive to new clients with an international focus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



Adds value to domestic market, differentiating from competitors                                            

  Aids your attractiveness to recruit top personnel                                                                                                                                                               
  Helps your firm become a real alternative to the Big 4, whilst offering 'partner-led' and personalised service                                                            



Use of Russell Bedford brand and logo across your marketing material to promote your firm's global connections

  Listing in the Russell Bedford Global Members directory                                                                                                                       
  Annual programme of webinars on technical and key practice management issues delivered by experts                                                               



Ability to engage with like-minded experts and specialists via the network’s Centres of Excellence

  A private Members' Portal, offering a communication facility to exchange thoughts and ideas amongst various groups within the network, along with a variety of resources for members
  Regular resources, such as monthly global tax bulletin and other periodic publications                                                                                                                                                                                          


  International and regional knowledge sharing through regular communication and attendance at RBI events; held at a global, regional and sub-regional level, on a number of topics and specialist areas, for both technical and practice development issues - such as marketing and other ways to grow and enhance your business, promoting best practice, and networking opportunities
  Increased commerce for your practice as clients from other member firms look to expand into your territory. First and foremost the network affords you the ability to find a resource for your clients as they embark on an international journey; yet, the relationship building and promotion of your firm may lead to increased business by way of inbound referral work











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