
Russell Bedford Happy Hour
12 June 2020
3:30 PM BST
This Friday, 12 June we’re inviting members from around the globe to join us for our Russell Bedford Happy Hour!
Depending on your location, Happy Hour will take place at the following times: Hong Kong (HKT) 22:30 / Dubai (GST) 18:30 / Paris (CEST) 16:30 / London (BST) 15:30 / New York (EDT) 10:30 / Mexico (CDT) 09:30
We would like to hear:
- how you’re doing
- what’s been going great
- what’s been going not so great
- what you’ve learned over the past few weeks
- or anything else you would like to share
So grab a beer or a cup of tea, bring your dog or a member of your family, and connect with our global network for Happy Hour this Friday.