
Acknowledging our loyal colleague
November 2024
Every time that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer…
Having returned from our final in-person meeting of the year, at our Young Partners & Managers meeting in Naples, I reflect on loyalty, longevity and legacy.
Well, maybe not so deeply or lengthy in a (somewhat) brief LinkedIn post, but it got me thinking; and I’d like to link this to a special acknowledgement (plus, as I very often do, with the help of some lyrical reference - this time courtesy of Aerosmith - although we must excuse any ‘younger generations’ suggesting I meant Eminem).
We often claim to be young in spirit or young at heart. Some days I feel the same as I did in my early 20’s, at university, when I still dreamt of one day becoming Steven Tyler. I might often still have the same energy, the same positivity, the same passion… but realistically I feel I’m now wise enough to realise I’m probably not going to become a Rock Star. (Yet I did win ‘Accounting Leader of the Year’ a few months ago, which surely lends itself to “Rock star status”?!)
Our meeting in Naples welcomed the youthful spirits of our network and I was once again proud of the talent we have in our firms as they strive for long and prosperous careers in the profession… which leads me to the acknowledgement. One can only hope they will look to the careers of others who have worked so admirably, with integrity, core principles and genuine respect.
In my time as CEO at Russell Bedford International I have had the pleasure to work with Kempton Bedell-Harper who retires at the end of this year after 24 years with the network. It’s a fantastic achievement and display of loyalty that is rarely found in the modern age. Kempton’s assistance to (and indeed, impact on) me, my team, our firms, this network has been magnificent. His unique quality of working with such dedication; personal care, attention and modesty is something that can be an inspiration to all.
I cannot thank Kempton enough for his support and contribution to what has been achieved over the past few years; particularly how well we have worked together during recent years of incredible success, but also for several years before my time.
And so… Sing with me, sing for the year (sing for Kempton’s 24 years).
Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear.
Sing with me, if it's just for today…
Thank you Kempton. And we wish you all the very best in your retirement!