
People will never forget how you made them feel
October 2020
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou)
Certain memories will stay with you forever; the beauty of nature, the sound of a city and, above all, the warmth of its people. I remember Beirut, only 2 years ago. I remember the coffee I had on Mount Lebanon looking down onto a calm ambience; yet aware of the buzz, vibrancy and ambition of the nation below.
That was before the storm. The storm of financial crisis, compounded by a global pandemic and (the epitome of “being kicked when you’re down”)... the explosion!
If we have done ‘something’; to touch the lives of those suffering, providing them with a direct and personal feeling of our empathy and compassion, then they will have a memory of hope for the future.
Very proud of this!
Together For Brighter Days: Russell Bedford Cares... In Beirut
#RBcares #takingyoufurther
For more information about the project, click HERE