
Personally, it’s all about personality
November 2019
During my travels to Russell Bedford offices around Australia, I was fortunate to visit Hunter Valley and Penfolds wine estates. We were told “There’s no such thing as a bad wine; it simply depends on its personality and what that means to you”.
I’d argue there IS such a thing as a bad wine... but that’s not the point here.
The point is: the wines have different personalities and those personalities will go with different things; some more to your liking than others.
We’re actually being judged all the time, on our personality. And we may have to adapt that personality depending on where we are and who we are with. But your inherent personality will never be far away and will inevitably reveal itself. So, work on it! Be true to yourself, but it’s important to add the ‘right personality’ to everything you do.
I often think it must be hard for a comedian at a dinner party - I suppose they’re expected to portray their comic personality and be funny all the time!
Now constantly being introduced as “Personality of the Year” 😉, that’s also a lot of pressure to live up to!
Anyway, review the personality of your brand and ensure it represents what you stand for, and is expressed in all you do; by all your people, wherever they go.