
There’s just no time to die…
October 2021
Having watched the latest James Bond movie, reminding me of what life used to be (travelling the world, having great adventures and experiences, shooting bad guys… well, ok, somewhat like that), I am excited at the prospect of the world opening up again.
Networks like ours thrive on relationship building, face to face interaction and physical events. Over the past 20 months, we could so easily have ‘died’.
Yet we didn’t, of course! On the contrary, we’ve had an incredibly productive period. We’ve grown another 18%. We’ve recruited new member firms; across Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia-Pacific, North America and Latin America. Our existing members continued to grow; on average, by over 10%. And we’ve just finished our ‘virtual’ global meeting where, following months of tireless and dedicated consultation and deliberation, the international board of directors revealed the network’s new Strategic Positioning to members.
Feedback included: “You have given clarity to who we are - we now have a comprehensive plan - full of sense - congratulations!”
And as I closed the meeting, I modestly acknowledged the Chat Box comment, referencing my award of two years ago: “Thank you Stephen - very well done - you are still our Personality of the Year!”
So; Bond returned. Our physical meetings will return. Russell Bedford International never went away!
We reviewed, we re-evaluated, we enhanced, we helped our people online with their personal and professional development, provided courses on health and well-being, webinars on new working conditions and leadership in changing times, created several new initiatives and made contributions to worthy charitable causes… while our firms continued to help their clients AND gained new business.
I felt particularly touched by one remark from a member in North Africa: “Russell Bedford continues through these challenging times. For me, they don’t forget us!”
The theme of our annual global conference was “Going further together to a better future”.
And we shall.
Shaken by the pandemic, but certainly not stirred!