
What fuels your fire?
November 2018
I’ll be the first to complain or tell someone if they’ve acted inappropriately or been disloyal. They don’t thank you for it, but you hope one day they will realise how their behaviour was hurtful and learn from it. Otherwise, one day it may come back to haunt them.
Trust & honesty mean a lot to me.
The opposite of this is that I also praise, thank and applaud when people do something really great. I know how much positive feedback means to people and it certainly fuels my fire and keeps me striving to deliver even more!
I’m at the airport and was skimming through the latest feedback in respect of our annual conference in New York.
The most recent comment says “I loved how friendly and welcoming everyone was. The networking and relationships I made are some that will be with me for a lifetime. This was hands down one of the best accounting related events I've ever been a part of.”
It doesn’t get much better than that!
This will certainly fuel my fire as I embark on yet another trip in support of the Russell Bedford commitment of ‘taking you further’.
Don’t be shy to criticise others so they are aware of their actions; but also remember to truly let people know when they have done well!
It fuels them to continue to do well... and to do even better!